A Greek verb meaning to celebrate a sudden, triumphant discovery!
BrainFizz streams away from formal teaching methods to make these discoveries happen!
We spark innovation and fun within technical matters such as coding, science and mathematics. Each student’s learning is nurtured through group lessons.
Through our boot camps, escape rooms, social clubs, and personalized birthday parties, children aged 3-15 will forever learn the true joy of learning.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
-Nelson Mandela.

Our Team
Raia Lobo
CEO & Founder
Raia Lobo
CEO and Founder
I received my degree from University of Ontario Institute of Technology. I am TEFL and TESOL Certified. I have taught online for longer than 3 years and I have taught over 10,000 classes online during this span.
I enjoy making my curriculum fun, engaging and interactive.